designed by danni

Upcycling, creating, sewing and fun.

Father’s Day

I finished tonight A’s Father’s Day present. The kids both made him something at Childcare but I like it to be a bit more special…
G and I decided to make some matching PJs.





I’m pretty happy with how they’ve turned out. I used contrasting patterns on the cuffs and swapped the fabric around so they match but they’re not identical! G even helped sew the seams!


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Wallet… Complete!

So it’s pretty much done… The first prototype of my kids’ wallet!





It’s a great start but definitely needs a few tweaks! I still have trouble attaching my Velcro really neatly, think I need to hide the stitching, or perhaps hide it with a button or two. Also I forgot to end the zipper properly after I trimmed it so when I opened it to take the pic the zipper toggle thingy fell off. I got it back on and will hand stitch it before I give it to G (can’t imagine it’s fair to ask a three year old to be gentle and not pull it all the way to the end!!). I’ll also get some interfacing to stiffen the back up as it’s just a bit too soft.
Otherwise I’m pretty happy with the size and overall ease if the actual process. Might even post a tutorial when I make the next one.

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Tonight I’m having some chill out design time to MYSELF!! A’s out of action due to a bung thumb, I worked Thurs/Fri teaching, my dad’s birthday Sat, Sat night started a new job and today had to run around taking A to work etc etc.
So this arvo I finished an order, repaired a shirt for my father-in-law and then I sewed for me!! (Or rather G!)
I’m designing him a wallet based on a few tutes and patterns I’ve been looking at (yay, Pinterest) and am piecing it together. He has an old purse of mine- black and silver snake skin and it looks a little odd. Not that I care if it’s a ladies purse, but more that it’s so 90s!!! Had to stop sewing to feed Miss R…



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Sewing Monster Tutorial

So I said I would post every day!! Here is a great idea for keeping kids occupied while you sew.

This all started this morning when my absolutely delightful, gorgeous, enthusiastic, helpful, frustrating, sticky beaking three year old desperately wanted to help me sew. He loves pressing the buttons and helping to feed fabric through the machine. This morning I was working on a custom order so he couldn’t help. In the past I’ve given him my pincushion and scraps of fabric and he loves pinning them together. This does mean finding suitable scraps etc etc. Today we decided to make a monster.

It’s filled with fabric scraps and made out of an old sheet. A lovely big ol’ squishy monster head!

You will need:

Fabric (use what ever you have but make sure it can be pinned easily. I used an old bed sheet. Plain colours will make the pinned face stand out more too)

Sewing machine and thread (Could be done by hand of course)

Poly filler/fabric scraps (I used scraps and have been buying cheap pillows and using them as it’s often cheaper than the proper stuff)

Scraps of fabric and pins

How to make a giant monster pin cushion (AKA The Occupier…)

1. Find a small child who wants to help.

2. Get some fabric. I used an old bed sheet. Fold it and get said child to draw the monster’s head. (As you can see I had to adjust the head as he went over the edge!)



3. Stitch the two pieces together, leaving a space for turning and filling. My helper ‘helped’ so this was pretty rough!


4. inside out ready to fill. Top stitch around most of the head now. I didn’t and it was tricky to do when filled.

5. Fill. We used fabric scraps. As you can see from the pic I save everything and have bucket loads (that is my foot in the stripy sock for size comparison!


6. Stitch up opening.

7. Cut up a range of fabric scraps in different shapes and sizes. Give these to said child with a pincushion full of pins and let said child go to town (so to speak!) I have the rule that the pin is either in the cushion, his hand or the monster. This does help to avoid loose pins. I am also using pretty cheap pins with big balls on the end – easier to grab and manipulate (and the colored ones are easier to find! Especially when the cat pulls them out of the pin cushion.

Now whenever I’m sewing and I get ‘Mummy can I help pin?’ I can whip this out (I put the fabric scraps in a zip lock bag) and say ‘Of course my darling. Here you go…)

PS it is also important to have the correct supervision for these sort of projects…





After sewing a lot for Designed by Danni the last few weeks, I decided yesterday to sew for me! (Or rather my kids!!)
I upcycled a pair of G’s old PJ pants with an op shop pair to make him some new ones. I knew he was up for a new pair when I found him pants less one night in bed. The elastic had gone on his PJs and he had somehow wiggled out of them in his sleep!!!! Putting new pants on a sleeping three year old is quite tricky 🙂
I’m a bit cross with myself as I made an error in measurement and miscalculated the amount I would need for the joining of the two fabrics so the finished product is a bit short. He seems happy though, wearing his PJs at lunch time and having a “frofy milo” – hot choc!

I also whipped up a couple of hooded towels for the kids. G has had the same two towels for ages that are on rotation so he was desperate for another and R didn’t have a hooded towel. As its med winter here and we’ve been getting -2c temperatures over night, a nice snuggly towel is great for getting from the bath in front of the fire to get dried.


They’re the same colour because the hand towels used to make the hoods came in packs of two and I was too cheap to buy four so I could get different colours. The letters on the hoods are so we know which child is which…


Go to Sleep Baby Girl!

So I’m meant to be piecing fabric for some PJ monsters. I settled in front of the TV with a cuppa and a pile of material. Then…

… Whaaaaaaaa! R is awake and ready to play. While I will never ever ever complain about the fact that my little girl sleeps from 11 til 7 every night (she’s 5 months), I do get Grrrrrrr-y when she won’t sleep when I want her to! Then I look at that face and I melt. I’ll cut later!!!!

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Friday Funday

Well it’s Friday Funday! That’s what the other teachers called the one day a week I didn’t work last year! When they did all the ‘easy’ stuff like whole school sport and whole school activities and children’s choice. All really valid lessons but easier to prep and teach. And I never got to have that Fun day 😦

On the bright side I’m going to have my own Friday Funday! After an early morning text rant to A about all things wrong in my world, I feel much better and am looking forward to story time and a play date.

Then it’s home to sew! Am going to start on some custom orders tonight which is a bit exciting!

So I should get out of bed and start my day. Or maybe just play a few more levels of Candy Crush Saga…

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Gone Fishing

Remember this? Well it is time to reveal the finished product (a prototype of sorts!!)




It’s my take on the old fishing with magnets game. A few weeks ago G and I made a version of this game out of cardboard and paper.



He thought it was great and the colouring kept him occupied for ages!
So I decided to up the ante! I’ve ordered some magnets specifically for this project but thought I’d have a go at a prototype first. There’s a few things I’ll change.
The fastening isn’t my best work- I’ll go for a wide single flap with bigger Velcro (sewn much more neatly than the original!!!)
I’ll also be about more finicky with positioning, ironing the edges etc so the finished product is generally neater. G will Just have to deal with the messy stitching!!
As I mentioned, I’ve ordered specific magnets to replace the… (Wait for it)… Paper clips and fridge magnets!! I feel like McGyver 🙂
I think I might also go with bamboo fishing poles and twine. Bit more rustic and I think it’ll look better than my dodgy ribbon and chopstick versions!!
I did get the thumbs up from Paws though!



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Ooooooh what is it??? I’m having a play with a new project and am a bit excited! Hint: it’s a new take on an old kid’s game…

As well as experimenting I’m waiting on some supplies to arrive so I’m making patterns, cutting pieces and getting ready to make more belts, PJ monsters and dresses. Hurry up postal service!!!! Plus I’m about to cut up some salvaged fabric to make some more ‘Little G’ PJs.

Trying to decide whether to individually name the PJ Monsters. Is this a bit daggy or cute?

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G’s Sewing!!!

At home today with a case of man flu (I’m sure it’s man flu. I’m probably only a little sick, but it feels ten times worse. All I want is to whine to someone and have people do everything for me. I’m being a bit pathetic- it’s definitely man flu!).

ABC 2 has been my friend and G has been pottering around, watching bits and pieces on tv and playing. I decided to start pinning and sewing together some of the sweet little dresses (‘Piper’ dresses me thinks) that I started cutting out last night.

Next thing I know I have a little helper. To distract him I gave him 14 carefully counted pins and a scrap of fabric.

He folded it in half and pinned it so I suggested a bag. He helped with the stitching, lowering the foot, pressing the buttons and started to guide the fabric through (albeit a little enthusiastically!)
I then gave him scissors and ribbon and he cut for long enough for me to finish the inside hems on a dress!!

We stitched the ribbon scraps on and then G carefully selected a ribbon for the strap. After tidying up the ribbon bag and moving its contents off the floor and back in, we attached the strap and I quickly stitched some Velcro in to hold the bag shut.


It now contains 2 dice, a small plastic bead, a tiny little bear and a used bandaid. We’ll work on the last one…

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