designed by danni

Upcycling, creating, sewing and fun.

Gone Fishing

on June 25, 2013

Remember this? Well it is time to reveal the finished product (a prototype of sorts!!)




It’s my take on the old fishing with magnets game. A few weeks ago G and I made a version of this game out of cardboard and paper.



He thought it was great and the colouring kept him occupied for ages!
So I decided to up the ante! I’ve ordered some magnets specifically for this project but thought I’d have a go at a prototype first. There’s a few things I’ll change.
The fastening isn’t my best work- I’ll go for a wide single flap with bigger Velcro (sewn much more neatly than the original!!!)
I’ll also be about more finicky with positioning, ironing the edges etc so the finished product is generally neater. G will Just have to deal with the messy stitching!!
As I mentioned, I’ve ordered specific magnets to replace the… (Wait for it)… Paper clips and fridge magnets!! I feel like McGyver 🙂
I think I might also go with bamboo fishing poles and twine. Bit more rustic and I think it’ll look better than my dodgy ribbon and chopstick versions!!
I did get the thumbs up from Paws though!



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